Home All recipes Easy Peach Cobbler with Canned Peaches Recipe

Easy Peach Cobbler with Canned Peaches Recipe

by Maria

Want a quick peach cobbler recipe that brings back southern dessert memories? This easy recipe uses canned peaches for a hassle-free treat. It’s perfect for both beginners and seasoned bakers. With this recipe, you can enjoy the taste of home without much work.

Key Takeaways

  • Quick and easy recipe using canned peaches for year-round availability.
  • Perfect for novice and experienced bakers.
  • Nostalgic southern dessert made simple.
  • No need for peeling or slicing fresh peaches.
  • Minimal ingredients and preparation time.
  • Delivers delicious, comforting flavors with ease.
  • Adaptable for various topping and serving suggestions.

Introduction to Easy Peach Cobbler

Peach cobbler is a key dessert in Southern cuisine. It brings comfort and warmth to any meal. Traditionally, it’s made with fresh peaches. But, modern recipes often use canned peaches, making it an easy peach dessert that still tastes great.

Using canned peaches cuts down on prep time. Yet, it keeps the classic peach cobbler taste. This means more people can enjoy this dessert without spending all day cooking.

A Southern-style cobbler is simple and versatile. It uses few ingredients to make a rich dessert. This makes it ideal for any event. With its peach flavor, this dessert will soon be a hit with everyone.

Ingredients Needed for Peach Cobbler

Making a delicious peach cobbler with canned peaches is easy with the right ingredients. We’ll look at the simple ingredients you need for this tasty dessert. Plus, we’ll talk about optional additions to make it your own.

Main Ingredients

  • 2 cans of sliced peaches in syrup (about 15 ounces each)
  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon of salt

These simple ingredients are the basics for a classic peach cobbler with canned peaches. Make sure you have these in your pantry to make this dessert quickly.

Optional Ingredients

To make a customizable peach cobbler, think about adding these extra ingredients for more flavor:

  • Unsweetened shredded coconut for added texture
  • Chopped pecans or walnuts for a nutty crunch
  • Vanilla extract for a richer flavor
  • Brown sugar for a deeper sweetness
  • Lemon zest for a touch of brightness

These optional ingredients let you tailor the peach cobbler to your liking. They make it a customizable peach cobbler that fits your taste and dietary needs.

How to Prepare Your Baking Dish

Starting with the perfect peach cobbler means picking and prepping the right baking dish. It’s key for your canned peach cobbler preparation. Let’s look at what you need to do.

Choosing the Right Dish

First, pick the right size and material for your dish. An 8×8-inch or 9×13-inch dish works well for peach cobbler, depending on how many you’re serving. Glass or ceramic dishes are great because they heat evenly, making your cobbler cook perfectly.

Think about how the dish material affects baking. Glass keeps the cobbler warm after baking, which is handy. Ceramic dishes give a classic look and feel to your baking.

Prepping the Dish

After picking your dish, prep it for baking. This is a key part of the baking essentials. Grease the dish with butter or non-stick spray to prevent sticking. This step also adds flavor to your cobbler.

Adding a thin layer of flour after greasing helps too. But make sure to shake off any extra flour. Doing this ensures your cobbler turns out smooth and tasty every time.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Peach Cobbler with Canned Peaches

Making a delicious peach cobbler with canned peaches is easy with these simple steps. Just follow along for a southern dessert recipe that will wow your guests.

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). This makes sure your cobbler cooks evenly.
  2. In a big bowl, mix 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, and a pinch of salt. This makes the dry mix.
  3. Then, add 1 cup of milk to the dry mix and stir until it’s smooth. This is your batter.
  4. Melt half a cup of butter and pour it into a 9×13 inch baking dish.
  5. Pour the batter over the melted butter in the dish. Don’t mix them together.
  6. Drain two cans of peaches, keeping a little juice back. Put the peaches on top of the batter and sprinkle some reserved juice over them.
  7. Add an extra half-cup of sugar and a lot of cinnamon over the peaches and batter.
  8. Put the dish in the oven and bake for 45 minutes. It should be golden brown and the batter should have risen around the peaches. It should be crisp on top and moist inside.

peach cobbler with canned peaches

Let your peach cobbler cool a bit before you serve it. For a special touch, serve it warm with vanilla ice cream.

For more peach cobbler with canned peaches recipes, check out this guide. Enjoy making this southern dessert!

Tips for a Perfect Southern Peach Cobbler

Making the perfect peach cobbler means mixing the right ingredients with some baking tips. This ensures a delicious dessert every time. Let’s explore some southern peach cobbler secrets to make your cobbler irresistible and perfectly cooked.

Baking Time and Temperature

For a perfect peach cobbler, get the baking time and temperature right. Preheat your oven to 375°F for even cooking. A peach cobbler usually takes about 45 to 50 minutes to bake.

This time lets the filling get gooey and the crust turn golden brown beautifully.

How to Get a Crispy Topping

The crispy topping is key for a great southern peach cobbler. Here are some southern peach cobbler secrets for that delightful crunch:

  • Sugar and Butter: Sprinkle sugar on top before baking. This makes a crunchy finish.
  • Cornstarch Mix: Mixing cornstarch with sugar helps the topping get crunchier.
  • Watch the Baking: Watch your cobbler closely in the last 10 minutes to avoid burning. This ensures it’s crispy but not too hard.

Follow these tips, and you’ll make a perfect peach cobbler that will impress everyone. Happy baking!

Alternative Toppings for Canned Peach Cobbler

Trying new toppings for your peach cobbler is exciting. You can stick with traditional recipes or try modern twists. There are many ways to make your dessert special.

canned peach cobbler topping

Classic Topping Variations

Classic toppings for the canned peach cobbler topping are simple and cozy. Here are some favorites:

  • Buttery Biscuit Topping: This choice is comforting, adding a rich and moist texture.
  • Oat Crumble: Oats, brown sugar, and cinnamon create a delightful crunch.
  • Shortbread Crust: This crust is crisp yet tender, reminding you of grandma’s kitchen.

Creative Topping Ideas

For a modern twist on your customized cobbler, try these innovative dessert toppings:

  • Coconut and Almond Crust: This mix offers a nutty, sweet finish that matches the peaches well.
  • Cheddar Biscuit Topping: This mix of savory and sweet is a surprising hit.
  • Streusel with Pecans: This topping is moderately sweet and adds a nice texture with pecans.

Whether you prefer classic or modern toppings, these ideas will inspire you to make a dessert to remember!

Serving Suggestions for Peach Dessert with Canned Peaches

Discover the perfect peach dessert pairings to make your peach cobbler even better. Here are some ideas for a complete dessert course.

Best Side Dishes

  • Vanilla Ice Cream: A classic, creamy contrast to the warm, fruity cobbler.
  • Whipped Cream: A light and airy companion that balances the rich peach filling.
  • Fresh Berries: Introducing a tart element with strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries can create a pleasing balance.
  • Honey Drizzled Greek Yogurt: Adds a tangy and slightly sweet touch that complements the cobbler.
  • Caramel Sauce: A drizzle of caramel can add a rich, buttery flavor that pairs excellently with the peaches.

Perfect Beverages

Whether you prefer a hot or cold drink, certain beverages can perfectly round out your peach cobbler serving ideas. Here are a few standout suggestions:

  • Hot Beverages:
    • Black Coffee: Cuts through the sweetness with its bold, robust flavor.
    • Earl Grey Tea: The bergamot notes complement the fruity sweetness.
  • Cold Beverages:
    • Chilled White Wine: A crisp Chardonnay or Riesling can balance the cobbler’s sweetness.
    • Sparkling Water with a Twist of Lemon: A refreshing and simple option that cleanses the palate.

Pairing your peach dessert pairings thoughtfully ensures a memorable and complete dessert course experience for your guests. Integrating these cobbler serving ideas will undoubtedly make your peach cobbler the highlight of any occasion.

How to Store and Reheat Peach Cobbler

Keeping your peach cobbler fresh for later is key. Here are some tips for storing peach cobbler

First, let the cobbler cool down completely. Then, put leftovers in an airtight container. Store it in the fridge for up to 4 days to keep it fresh.

If you want to keep it for longer, freezing is a good choice. Wrap it well in plastic wrap and foil to keep it fresh for up to two months. When you want to eat it, thaw it in the fridge overnight.

Reheating desserts like peach cobbler needs some care. Heat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Put the cobbler on a baking sheet and cover it with foil, but don’t touch the top with it. Bake for 20 minutes with the foil on, then 10 more minutes without it to crisp up the top. For more ideas on what to serve with cobbler, check out this guide on sweet potato casserole.

For reheating in the microwave, use a microwave-safe dish. Cover it with a damp paper towel to keep it moist. Heat it in 30-second bursts to avoid overcooking.

These tips help you keep your peach cobbler fresh and delicious, even when you’re enjoying leftovers.

Variations of Old-Fashioned Peach Cobbler

Exploring dessert variations can add a new twist to an old favorite. Whether you stick to traditional methods or try new adaptations, there are many ways to enjoy peach cobbler. We’ll look at classic and modern twists on this beloved dessert.

Classic Variations

Classic variations of old-fashioned peach cobbler keep the timeless qualities that make it so loved. Some popular twists include:

  • Southern Style: This version uses rich butter and a hint of cinnamon for that true southern flavor.
  • Bisquick Top: Bisquick mix makes a fluffy, biscuit-like topping that goes perfectly with the juicy peaches.
  • Dumpling Cobbler: This version has dough dumplings dropped over the fruit for a rustic look and hearty taste.

Modern Twists

For a modern take on peach cobbler, there are many ways to refresh this classic dessert. Some new ideas include:

  • Gluten-Free Cobbler: Use almond flour or a gluten-free mix to make it suitable for those with dietary needs.
  • Vegan Cobbler: Swap dairy with coconut milk and use a flax egg substitute for a vegan version.
  • Caramel Peach Cobbler: Add caramel sauce to the peaches before baking for a rich, indulgent taste.


As we finish our journey into classic Southern desserts, making peach cobbler with canned peaches is easy and rewarding. From getting the ingredients to baking and serving, each step is simple. This shows how easy this recipe is, even for beginners.

This dessert is not only easy to make but also brings joy when shared with loved ones. The smell of fresh cobbler takes us back to warm memories and cherished traditions. It makes every bite special. This summary encourages you to try traditional flavors and add your own twist with toppings.

In closing, peach cobbler with canned peaches is a mix of convenience and nostalgia. It welcomes everyone, no matter their cooking skills, to make something sweet and meaningful. Embrace the ease, respect the tradition, and make new memories with this classic dessert. Your kitchen is ready—let’s get baking!


What makes this peach cobbler recipe easy to follow?

This recipe uses canned peaches, so you don’t have to peel or slice fresh fruit. It’s simple and clear, great for beginners who want a quick peach cobbler.

Can I use fresh peaches instead of canned peaches?

Yes, you can use fresh peaches if you like. Just peel, pit, and slice them. You might need to adjust the sugar based on how sweet your peaches are.

What type of canned peaches should I use for the best results?

Use canned peaches in light syrup or their own juice for the best flavor. This keeps the dessert from getting too sweet.

Do I need to drain the canned peaches before using them?

Yes, draining the canned peaches is a good idea. It prevents the cobbler from being too watery and ensures the right consistency.

What size baking dish is recommended for making peach cobbler?

An 8×8 inch or 9×9 inch dish is perfect for peach cobbler. For a bigger batch, use a 9×13 inch dish. Make sure it’s deep enough for the filling and topping.

How can I get a crispy topping on my peach cobbler?

For a crispy topping, spread the topping mixture evenly over the peaches. Bake at the right temperature and time. Adding a bit of sugar on top before baking helps too.

What are some alternative toppings I can use?

Try using crunchy granola, oatmeal, or a lattice pie crust for a new twist on your peach cobbler topping.

Are there any variations of peach cobbler that I can try?

Yes! Try adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for a classic twist. For something new, add berries, use whole wheat flour, or a splash of bourbon for a richer taste.

How should I store leftover peach cobbler?

Store leftover cobbler in the fridge, covered with plastic wrap or in an airtight container. It stays fresh for up to 4 days.

What’s the best way to reheat leftover peach cobbler?

Reheat in the oven at 350°F for 15-20 minutes, or until hot. This keeps the topping crispy. For a quick option, use the microwave, but the topping might not stay as crispy.

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