Know What Will Happen to Your Body if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day

If you think of healthy food you usually think it is not going to be a tasty choice. However, when speaking about bananas, this is not the case as they are delicious, filling, and nutritious. They are also very healthy and can keep you away from many diseases.

Bananas are very popular crops. Nearly every country in the world cultivates them. They are the third most abundant crop in the world. It can be eaten in many forms whether a milkshake, a banana yogurt, or even a vegan banana ice cream.

Let’s show you some benefits your body can gain by eating the bananas.

1. A natural energy bar.

Bananas can supply your body with fast calories and energy necessary for exercise and work as it is rich in simple carbs and sugars. It also contains potassium in high doses that can prevent muscle cramps and strains. Other contents of the banana as minerals and vitamins can keep your body metabolism balanced and make you function better. It will also substitute for electrolytes lost in sweat.

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2. Stress relief.

Bananas will make your mode better and you will feel less stressed. It can help you alleviate your low mood naturally. It will also help you while managing stress at work, school, or home.

It can do so as it contains tryptophan amino acid that is used by the body for making the serotonin hormone. Serotonin is an important hormone for a balanced mood as it fights depression, anxiety, stress, and bad mood. It is known as the happiness hormone.

Each banana also provides your body with 27 mg of magnesium which plays a vital role in mood stabilization and having a good sleep quality at night.

3. Better digestive function.

Bananas can make your bowel more healthy and functional. They are light on the intestine. Bananas are a good thing to eat when you have gastritis or acid reflux heartburn.

Your body can easily digest them without problems or irritation for the gastrointestinal tract. The bananas contain a starch content which is not digested in the intestine. It reaches the large intestine where it stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria and makes the stool bulky and prevents constipation. If you want to lose extra weight, you can get some help by mixing the bananas in your daily diet.

4. Prevents some types of cancer.

Eating a diet rich in natural fibers from mixed vegetables and fruits as bananas can reduce the risk of many types of cancer. Healthy diets will supply you with the necessary nutrients without any harmful artificial additives as processed chemicals, preservatives, and salts.

Bananas are rich in Vitamin C, it works as an antioxidant that fights against harmful compounds that can cause cancer in the future as oxygen-free radicals. Bananas are also rich in natural fibers that prevent constipation and make your bowel healthy. This is important to prevent colon cancer. A great routine to protect yourself from getting a colorectal carcinoma diagnosis is eating a banana or other mixed veggies as frozen green beans daily to make sure you get the recommended amount of fiber.

5. Protection from hypertension.

Each Banana contains about 420 mg of potassium which is a great amount from your daily requirement. Potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure.

There is a balance that controls blood pressure between sodium and potassium. Bananas provide abundant amounts of potassium and nearly no sodium. Bananas will make your body retain fewer amounts of fluids in your body. This makes your blood pressure less. The kidneys control this process and regulate child blood pressure and adults’.

Bananas are good food for patients with both diabetes and blood pressure elevations.

6. Bananas help you lose weight.

Bananas are rich in fibers that can make you feel full and decrease your consumption of other types of calories. The fibers in each banana will suppress your appetite and make you eat less.

It also prevents high sugar values in your blood as it is absorbed slowly. This makes your body more sensitive to insulin especially type 2. This type may need a glucose intolerance test for diagnosis and a companion medical inpen in its treatment. Bananas can help us to prevent diabetes and blood pressure diseases.

When your body is not sensitized to insulin, your pancreas secretes more of it which causes fat deposition and makes you medically obese.

7. Improving cardiovascular health

Recent medical studies have shown that people who ingested potassium with an amount of 4000 mg daily or more decreased their risks significantly by 49% from ischemic heart diseases than people who only consume 1000 mg daily.

However, bananas also contain high concentrations of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and fibers that protect your heart against diseases in many ways.

8. You can’t overdose from bananas.

Potassium is a very important element for your cardiovascular health as we mentioned before. However, too much potassium is as dangerous as its deficiency.

It can lead to heart failure and fatal arrhythmias.

The good thing is if you are a healthy individual it is very difficult to get potassium toxicity by eating bananas. You can only get this toxicity if you eat about 400 bananas is impossible. So, do not worry eating bananas will always be one of the good healthy habits.


9. Protection against anemia and malnutrition.

Anemia is a disease in the blood due to a lack of hemoglobin. It has different types such as anemia of chronic disease, low iron during pregnancy, renal anemia, postpartum anemia, and kidney anemia.


It presents the patient with fatigue, headache, and dyspnea. Bananas can prevent this disease as it provides the body with iron necessary for hemoglobin production.

It also has vitamin B6 that makes blood glucose in normal, helping anemia patients.

10.Rich potassium source.

The adult human body requires a daily amount of potassium between 3500 and 4700 mg per day. Eating two average banana fruits daily will give you about 900 mg of serum potassium and cellular. This is a good part of your daily RDA. You will also need to have it from other sources to have normal potassium.

These other sources include steak, potatoes, Mexican beet, sweet beets, new beet, and Bacardi watermelon.

Keeping a normal potassium intake is very important for your daily health.



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